Earnings Pack Week Ending 02/28/25
Earnings Pack Week Ending 02/28/25
In depth options analysis for earnings week 02/28/25. Focus on price, implied volatility, 1-day expected move on %/$ basis, along with in depth write-ups and trades on individual names. Personal trade ideas will be included for some of the biggest movers.
The spreadsheet in this pack are representative of the implied volatility relative to its historical volatility going into a company's earnings report. This will give you an idea of whether or not a stock's options are "expensive." Each day there will be in dpeth write ups and earnings plays that can potentially pay, check the earnings pack daily at 3:30pm for the completed lineup for that day and the next morning.
Highlight and in depth analysis for some of the larger names on the week. Daily earnings lotto plays. Implied volatility analysis for all major companies announcing earnings this week.
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